Until recently, I could have sworn I was one of the few who knew how to do this.  My friends and I have been making these things for years and years now. It was just recently that I learned that other people call these "Fire Balloons".  I did an internet search on that and wow,  I'm not alone here. 

But that's ok.  There are still many people who have never heard,  or thought of doing what I describe below.

So read on and enjoy! 


Here's what you need:


  1. Take your 36" piece of balsa and cut it in half. This should give you (2) 18" pieces.

  2. Glue the two pieces of balsa together at the center to form an even  cross.  Let it dry so it is good and strong before proceeding.  I use the Cyanoacrylate because it is strong and dries lightning fast.

  3. Use your Exacto knife to cut the candles down to size.  Full size candles are much too heavy.  You can cut them in half exactly or you can do as I do, which is cut them a little bit larger than half sized.  I light the candles at the end of the PRE-HEAT stage. This will not only bring your bag to proper temp in a hurry, but by burning them a tad early, it will also get the candles to half size before liftoff.

  4. Here are the cut candles.  Cut until you have 17 shortened candles.

  5. Use a candle to drop some wax onto the center of your frame and before it dries... GO TO STEP 6!!!

  6. Place a candle in the center on top of the newly placed hot wax. You should only have to hold it for a few seconds.  It should stay on it's own as long as it isn't bumped.  The wax will hold it just fine after it dries completely.

  7. Mount your second candle. Take a look at the picture.  I use a candle to melt the "fancy" wax off those fancy candles.  The wax will run down the candle and around the base and will help secure the candle to the frame.  You can even do this while holding the candle on dry wood. This makes short work of mounting the candles and may actually make the extra weight they bring, worth it.  Extra weight may or may not matter. This of course depends on the outside air temperature on launch day, but we'll talk about that later.

  8. Here is what I call the dual burn method. While mounting your candles, you also have the option of putting 2 candles close enough together so that they generate more heat together than they would separately. Some may say "yes, but it also burns faster making shorter flights".  It's up to you. Experiment if you feel like it.

  9. Repeat the above procedures for all subsequent candles. Use the dual burn method if you like for several candles.  If you do decide to do the dual burn.  Only do it for 2 or 3 sets of candles.  Putting a bunch together just gives you one big massive heat instead of the slow, steady heat you need for long duration flights. The dual burn may also be used to get your UFO into the air on REALLY hot nights where the single burns wouldn't.  NOTE:  I RARELY do the dual burn.  I have great flights with just the standard setup but it is on option to consider on really hot nights.

  10. I like to pre-light all the brand new candles that haven't been used before.  The last thing you want is a set of candles that won't light while your trying to launch!  Don't let them burn long at all.  Just light them so they are easy to light later.

  11.   Notice the extra wax that has built up.  We want to trim all the extra wax that isn't doing anything but adding extra weight.  Be careful not to dislodge your candles while trimming. I like to wait until the wax is totally dry before trimming.  After it is dry, get all that extra wax off the bottom and sides if necessary using your Exacto knife.

  12. Here is our UFO frame fully loaded and trimmed for flight.

  13. I like to throw it on the postal scale to make sure it isn't too heavy.  This one comes in at 0.4 ounces.  oh yeah.... she'll fly!


  1. Grab your dry cleaner bag.  I find that typically the shorter standard bags (on right) work better than the longer "dress bags" like that pictured on the left.  Though I have had some great flights with long bags, I have also had long bagged UFO's never get off the ground due to the extra weight of the bigger bag, when shorter bags on the same night went beautifully.

  2. Place a towel on a flat surface.

  3. We are going to seal the top of the bag so it will hold air. Notice the holes in the top of the bag.  We need to seal from the top,  to below these holes.

  4. Place a second towel over the bag so that you can iron the bag top closed.  Be sure to place the towel so that it covers from the very top of the bag, to down below the holes in the top of the bag.

  5. Iron your bag top closed.  This takes some practice.  Whether or not you are successful depends on the heat of the Iron, the thickness of the towels and the length of time you hold the iron on the bag.  Practice until the bag is sealed.  If you over heat the bag, it will melt onto the towel.

  6. Roll back your top towel.  You'll be able to tell right away if you under or overheated the bag.

  7. Test your bag.  Fill it with air and grasp the bottom closed. If it holds air your set!

  8. Trim some of the excess, if you have any from the top of the bag.  Your UFO doesn't need to lift the extra weight.

  9. Time to install the frame.  You MAY need to trim a small length from your balsa.  It depends on the bag manufacturer. Some bags are slightly smaller than others.  The frame will fit snugly in the bottom of the bag with the candles facing up.  It needs to fit tight enough so that it won't slide out of the bag, but not too tight as to have the balsa puncture the bag.  Trim your balsa if necessary.

  10. Here is the frame installed and ready to go.



  1. First of all it has to be virtually windless!  Even the slightest breeze will blow the side of the bag into your burning candles. Unless it is dead calm, try for another night.  Also... the colder it is outside the better.  Remember, hot air rises.  If it is 100 degrees outside and your bag air is 100 degrees it will not rise one bit!  If it is 40 degrees outside and your bag air is 100,  it will climb like a bat out of hell.  There are formulas to figure this crap out but I don't bother.  My .4 ounce framed UFO's have always flown even on warm 80 degree nights.

  2. Take your UFO outside and get a helper to hold it for you.

  3. Use one,  or in my case (3) preheat candles to preheat the bag.  You do not want to light the birthday candles right away.  You want to fill the bag with hot air FIRST.

  4. When the time is right (a judgment call by the holder) light all of your candles. Light them quickly! You don't want to be holding the bag DOWN while you light the rest of the candles. If it is hot outside and the bag is heating slowly, you can continue to use your big preheat candles along with the lit birthday candles until the UFO is ready to fly. The person holding the UFO needs to be aware of how "light" it is getting.  He/she should tell you when it feels like it wants to fly away.  At that point,  get your big preheat candles out of there and give it a VERY gentle shove upward.   If it's hot enough, she'll fly!

  5. There she goes!!!!

  6. See that tiny spec? (not the streetlight).  That UFO is WAY up there!




THE PREHEAT(2 megs)       CANDLES ARE LIT!(2.5 megs)       GO BABY GO!(2.3 megs)

Due to their size, you may wish to right click on the above links and choose "save as".


These can be dangerous!  If built and launched correctly they are fairly safe.  A proper working UFO will rise HIGH into the sky.  After the candles burn down and reach the balsa, the balsa will start on fire,  eventually breaking the balsa and the snug fit it has in the bag.  The burning balsa will then be quickly extinguished during it's LONG fall to the ground.  The bag also floats harmlessly to the ground. 

However, a UFO that is either too heavy, or that doesn't get hot enough may just skim along 10-20 feet above the ground and end up hitting someone's house!   If your UFO does NOT climb way the hell up there, it is your responsibility to monitor or even follow your UFO to ensure it doesn't do any harm to any person or property.   Yes, I personally have set piles of leaves and dry grass on fire and in one instance even prevented a property fire by following my DUD UFO's!  Fortunately, my pals and I are fairly good at it now and rarely have the need to be concerned, but it does still happen from time to time.


Remember, if it climbs high your fine. If it hangs low, watch it...follow it... BE SAFE!!

Kickthefog.com can make no warranties on the methods and procedures presented here. I have built many of these devices and am happy with the results but your skills and mindset  pertaining to safety, are unknown to me.    Kickthefog.com WILL NOT be held liable for the mis-use of the information provided here.  Proceed at your own risk!


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